All things spring!

The time has come to say goodbye to chunky knits and chilly days, and hello to dandelions and sunshine. To give you all a little spring inspiration I have put together a mini spring bucket list (if you like) of all the things you could do when you're bored at this time of year!

1. Go for a walk!

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in work and stress. Go get some fresh air!

2. Take up running!

As well as getting fresh air, it's also great exercise and it can be really enjoyable if you do this somewhere scenic like the woods or the beach!

3. Go for a picnic!

Picnics are a fun way to catch up with family and friends whilst still surrounding yourself with nature.

4. Meet an old friend for coffee!

It's good to have a catch up with a long distance friend, so why not enjoy a little coffee break?

5. Bake a cake!

Spring is the perfect time to bake a lemon drizzle loaf or some pretty cupcakes!

6. Take your dog for a walk!

If you own a dog, then take it for a walk! Sorry that this doesn't apply to everyone, unfortunately you cannot walk your cat. Or your fish. 

7. Start a you tube channel!

You tube is a pretty big thing nowadays and you never know, you might become the next big thing!

8. Start a blog!

Blogging can be allot of fun once you have got your head around it! 

9. Practice new hairstyles!

Why not transform your look this spring with a sassy new braid?

10. Climb a tree

Just be careful not to fall, I am not responsible for broken bones. 

11. Feed the ducks at a pond

I loved doing this when I was younger, and I'm not sure why. It's just really cute.

12. Go fruit picking!

It's so nice picking your own strawberries and for some reason they seem to taste allot nicer if you've picked them too. 

13. Visit the zoo!

Animal lovers, this ones for you!

14. Decorate your home with fresh flowers!

They smell delicious and look pretty!

15. See the cherry blossoms!

Cherry blossom is amazing.

16. Try sporting a new lip color!

Spring pinks, or more sultry shades are both very flattering on the lips!

17. Adopt a pet!

Even if it's just a cute little hamster, why not?

18. Bird Watching!

This isn't something I have ever experienced, but it might be fun!

19. Throw a party!

It's always good to have a get together.

20. Relax in your garden!

Like I say, spring is a great time for nature!

So I hope this post gave you plenty of spring inspiration, thank you for reading! xx


  1. Such a cute & positive post! All lovely ideas!xx

  2. Yeees I love Spring! It's like everything reawakens! | Acqua xx

    1. Haha I know right, it's my favorite!xx

  3. Number 10 tho Hahaha

    Just Because l

  4. I love baking cakes, one of my favourites is the Tanya Burr lemon drizzle cake, I did a recipe review on my blog about it! Thanks for sharing x

    1. Me too! I remember reading your blog post around a week ago now and it was such a coincidence because I had made the Tanya Burr recipe that same day haha :) xx
